outside, outside, outside!!!!!!!

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A very timely quote. Thank you Lizzie.

I'm blessed enough to be going to a day of physical, emotional and spriritual nourishment with a group of women gathered to share their life skills. My offering will be a yoga nidra - my absolute go-to in times of stress. Yoga nidra and savasana are twin practices for human sanity and resilience.

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Be Grateful

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Teaching with an abundance of joy.

Mac n’ cheese.

Being wholeheartedly available to my friends & family.

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Thanks Lizzie, Great quote , a keeper ❤️

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Thank you Lizzie for your list.

I have skipped over all of the emails related to the election showing up in my inbox.

Reminding myself to be in this moment.

Holding my friends, children and partner close.

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Very powerful and sensible. Thank you for sharing.

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Love this quote Lizzie. Thank you x

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Love this post Lizzie thank you.

My contribution to the list, savouring the joy of being alive, being in the body, moving the body, and as you say - doing what brings us joy, and radiating this energy, instead of being a sponge for the grief.

Really appreciate you and all your offerings.

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Thank you Lizzie ❤️! Love the quote!

Doing a lot of praying and walking…

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With. Gratitude Lizzie appreciate you as your Mom was my introduction— warned by your connection to each other and the path.🙏🏽

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for this, the first thing I read this morning. Bringing me steadiness as I start my day. Tea, some yoga, creating with beautiful fabrics, a good book to get lost in on this rainy Sunday. 🙏

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What a beautiful quote, thank you! Today is the first time for a week that the heavy clouds have lifted so we are going for a long dog walk up in the hills to blow out all the fear and sadness!

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Thank you for a beautiful reminder.

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Thanks you for encouraging this thought process with the prompt. I need to do this more.

Morning candlelight snuggles with my son while the rest of the house is still fast asleep. A slow stroll through the art gallery with a friend. Holding a warm mug of tea close, letting the steam wrap around me. A hand resting on my heart and forehead, with a gentle reminder that I am okay.

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Thank you, Lizzie, I needed go hear that. Praying for our country, namaste.

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