What a lovely practice! Just what I needed - 7/11 breathing is a new one for me as I normally practice the box breath. I have a hole in my heart and teach yoga, so finding the moments to practice this will add to my toolkit. Thank you so much. Have a lovely shanti shanti day and heart's love from Melsia

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sending heart's love back to you, Melsia

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This was so simple but so powerful. Thanks

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you're so welcome!

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This is lovely! My dad is in heart failure and he practiced with me this morning and said he felt really good and felt like he was calmer but had more energy. Thank you both for your tremendous gifts of love and knowledge.

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Thank you for this practice. 7-11 was too long for me so I adjusted to less counting. A wonderful way to start my day. Thank you both

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What a simple and yet profound practice.

Thank you so much to both of you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and wisdom. 🙏🏽🌻💜


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Thank you 🙏🏽 very nice and powerful!! A precious new tool for our hearts.

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Ahhhh…. Such a beautiful, easily accessible practice … need this…. Thank you!

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This is a wonderful way to begin the day!! I too, feel grounded and better able to meet the challenges of the day. Also, my husband has "ticker trouble" and this is a great tool for him. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love! Please feel the love that I am sending back to you and Mary.

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This was great!

Many thanks to you both for sharing your knowledge and experience - as well as a giggle along the way. I really have learned so much from you both. 💕

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Can ujayi breath be used while doing this?

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Thank you for this. I am making this a twice daily practice as I have been struggling with anxiety lately. 🙏

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Delicious. Yummy. Fantastic!

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I have a question for Mary. Can you do this 7/11 breathing while you are in the middle of a fib. Would help it to subside?. Thank you, Basia

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hmmmm, interesting idea. Please ask your doctor and report back what she says!

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I absolutely love you both! You are a weath of knowledge. Thank you for reminding me of this simple practice. Although I have done it before I really didn’t know the science behind it. I will be sure to share it with my students this week, bcs sharing is caring 💕

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so much love back to you, Sandy

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