A few days ago, I sat in my cardiologist’s waiting room, noticing my impatience—and my impatience with my impatience. Despite all my Restorative Yoga, and hiking, and Pilates, and Somatic Strength work, and organic food from the farmers market, and cold plunging, and sauna: I have high blood pressure.
This week, I’m sharing a guided Savasana about impatience and abundance—a bit of counter-programming as we move towards Black Friday. Savasana is a chance to pause, to soften, and to remember what’s already here.
Wishing my fellow Americans a happy Thanksgiving. I’ll be celebrating with Mama and our big family on the Ranch where my father grew up in South Texas.
Until next Sunday,
December Offerings:
8 Yoga Myths: Unlearn these misconceptions to empower your body's natural intelligence - A free mini course from Lasater.Yoga goes out via our New Moon Mail on December 1st.
Winter Rest is a live class on December 15th designed to help you release holiday tension and recharge through the power of Restorative Yoga.
Chair Yoga - join our next live Office Hours class on December 17th and receive the first part of this chair class series for free.
My impatience is one of my biggest shortcomings, along with its close cousins, judgment and snarkiness. They all come up for me when I’m trying to control things outside my control.
A difficult diagnosis to absorb when you work so hard to be healthy. You can’t fight genetics. You are not alone in having essential hypertension. If you were prescribed BP medication, please take it. There is a reason HP is called the silent killer. These bumps in the road cause us to reflect and keeps us humble. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving 💕