Even though I know how beneficial it is & actually teach other people to rest, I resist rest because of my rest guilt. That little voice somewhere down deep that says in your case resting is lazy when you could just get one more thing done... however what actually happens is one more thing gets started, not finished. The rest would be so much more productive. And then sometimes I resist because I want to read, & it feels like there are not enough hours for both. And then there is the reading guilt...
I'm not good enough and have to do more to just begin to be acceptable as a human being;
Life is not acceptable as it is and must be improved and made "better";
It is possible to get one (or several) step(s) ahead by being busy now and there will be rest later, but that promise of rest is never fulfilled.
(Thank you Lizzie for this great exercise and THANK YOU all for showing me I AM the RULE and not the exception...I'm not unique in being tormented by this!)
because my body is in a state of a busy bee, buzzing inside
(despite the fact that the moment I touch the mat my body relieves and all weight is dropped of my shoulders, even when it is only for a very short moment)
I don't think I need it. After all, my sleep app tells me that I got 3 hours of deep sleep last night. HAH---later I realize I really did need the rest....
Even though I know how beneficial it is & actually teach other people to rest, I resist rest because of my rest guilt. That little voice somewhere down deep that says in your case resting is lazy when you could just get one more thing done... however what actually happens is one more thing gets started, not finished. The rest would be so much more productive. And then sometimes I resist because I want to read, & it feels like there are not enough hours for both. And then there is the reading guilt...
That’s it too guilt
Laziness, yes!!! So resonate, Kylie
I resist rest because my mind tells me to keep doing and rest later.🙄🙄
Hahahahha, yup. And then "later" never comes. Because "later" I've got to cook dinner or change a diaper or or or...
There always feels like there's still something else to tick off on the to do list....
absolutely, me too!
I resist rest because feeling what I am feeling is not always comfortable.
I believe the ego thoughts telling me:
I'm not good enough and have to do more to just begin to be acceptable as a human being;
Life is not acceptable as it is and must be improved and made "better";
It is possible to get one (or several) step(s) ahead by being busy now and there will be rest later, but that promise of rest is never fulfilled.
(Thank you Lizzie for this great exercise and THANK YOU all for showing me I AM the RULE and not the exception...I'm not unique in being tormented by this!)
because my body is in a state of a busy bee, buzzing inside
(despite the fact that the moment I touch the mat my body relieves and all weight is dropped of my shoulders, even when it is only for a very short moment)
totally relate, Liesbeth
I resist rest because there’s always a million other tasks that need to do, I keep reminding myself it’s never all done!
I am so much better at resting now that I know the benefits but I still feel that lingering sense of guilt that there’s something else to do.
guilt. always the guilt!
I resist rest because I don't think I deserve it.
but you do, Julie! I believe in your wellness
Because I'm too busy...
Because my mind won't turn off and rest...
So relate...
I fear I will drop so deeply into exhaustion I will never be able to get up again and maybe even stop breathing
I’ve put “ rest” on the bottom of the “ to do” list and I can’t get through the darn list.
I know better…
I resist rest because it feels uncomfortable: I feel I should be doing the household chores.
I will have to Feel all that I don’t feel when I’m moving around. A way to resist truth.
cannot find space between family chores - mum - teacher - dog walker BUT WANT TOO!!
Mama likes to say, "20 minutes of Savasana is a gift you give to yourself, and the world at the same time."
I don't think I need it. After all, my sleep app tells me that I got 3 hours of deep sleep last night. HAH---later I realize I really did need the rest....
HAH, sounds like you do, Becky!
I resist rest because I question my perception of how tired I am.