
It’s time for an interlude.

Next week, Mary Richards and I continue the conversation about Doctor Bessel van der Kolk’s book The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. If you’re reading along with us, we’ll focus on Part 1.

But before we do, Mary has a Cat Caw practice to help us get out of the mind and back into the body. So stop what you’re doing (emails are boring anyway) and climb down onto your hands and knees. No fancy yoga tights required.

If you enjoyed this short practice, please let us know. We love hearing from you.

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Take care of your sweet self,

Upcoming ways to connect:

  • Pranayama is often taught as a way to restrict the breath, using complex counting methods to achieve increasingly long holds. This focus on control leads to hardening. And practicing this way misses the delicious truth that the breath is breathing you. Join our March workshop Letting the Breath Breathe You: Practicing Pranayama With Compassion to learn a softer approach.

  • Save the date for our next free live session for subscribers to this newsletter: Tuesday March 22nd at 10:30am Salzburg time. That’s 5:30a ET, 9:30a UK, 15:00 IST, and 20:30 in Sydney. As always, the recording goes out here later that week.

  • Do you want to practice more Restorative yoga, pranayama, and meditation? Join us for Silence is Everywhere: a three-day experiential Zoom workshop (with recording).

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