Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

Hi Lizzie,

It's so funny to be commenting about not using technology through technology. However, I totally get where you're coming from. I often go for a walk without my phone and like you, just love it.

Yesterday I went for a wonderful walk with my 23 year old daughter. We took our phones, but I used our wonderful UK Ordinance Survey mapping maps. It was so nice to look at the paper maps, the contours, the beauty of the print on the paper and the rustling awkwardness that using a paper map brings.

You would have loved the spot we found. A wonderful river with beautiful summer Willow trees bowing over the banks. We swam up, up, up the river and then enjoyed swimming with the current back down the river. What joy there is to be found in this funny world we share.

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I always take my dog on a walk without a phone. My husband always complains about it. I noticed that I really don’t like walking with my husband and his phone anymore. He made me realize how much we use it for simple things. Like checking the weather, responding to the latest text message, or looking up a simple question. All of it can wait for just 30 minutes or an hour.

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

I so resonate with this. A few years ago I realized I was literally "walking my phone". I used to track my daily steps (through my phone) and at some point I was shocked to discover that walking had slipped from something I do for myself, with myself, into a way of giving my phone a walk so it could reach its daily step target. As if it was a dog I needed to take out daily on its walk..... I then started leaving my phone at home and actually began to experience the walks for my own self again. So nourishing and liberating.

Namaste, Marketa

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Jul 3Liked by Lizzie Lasater

So, we have a "Step Challenge"at my day job this month. My competitive side ordered a FitBit to record e v e r y s t e p and elevation and win! I am compelled to put my phone in my wee cross shoulder bag. Why? Today, I considered leaving it behind. If I am concentrating on my fitness, I have no reason to be on my phone...but it is a safety thing. I feel I must be connected...why? I thought about it...and it's only about if I can't make it back to clock in on time, I can let everyone know. Like I'm so important.

What is important? I follow my Northstar. Yes, it's changed since I moved from the stress of Bay Area to low key, barely there Yin and Restorative ala your Mum, yoga of Southern Oregon. But I am ready, finally, to bring it on. And only through hanging on through your posts and offerings every week- bringing it out there to the Universe-that we are human, we do the best we can, as we can.

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Jul 3Liked by Lizzie Lasater

I walk my dog without my phone and have no social media. It helps me to feel free, present, and more compassionate in my daily life! Thank you for reminding us to shut down and soak in all the wonderful things around us!

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Jul 2Liked by Lizzie Lasater

Decadent and free

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Jul 1Liked by Lizzie Lasater

I most often walk without my phone. It’s a refreshing experience to be with my thoughts alone

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

ps for our online Taize singing session this a.m I read Mary Oliver's beautiful poem 'When I am among the trees'. It went down very well I think. So recommend it, perfectly expresses the way I feel out in nature.

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

Well done Lizzie! I usually leave my phone at home when I'm just doing the short local walk - though I take it if it's likely to be longer than an hour in case of emergency. But then I'm a generation older!!

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

I usually go for a walk with my son without phone, I still remember times without phones..most of the things can wait for another hour. I love being in the nature and I wrote an article about it on my blog


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In one of my yoga classes at the university, Relaxation Yoga, I have my students practice Kinhin walking. No phone, no earbuds. They have to write a short paragraph about their experience. Some hate it, some are hearing the birds, surprises them, makes them realize how fast they usually walk. I am going out in a few minutes.

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er they (your students) have to write a paragraph about their experience? In a yoga class??

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Just about the Kinhin walking meditation as they do it in their own time outside of class. They are taking the class for academic credit.

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

Yes, Lizzie! The good fortune of going for a walk in nature, nature is one of our most powerful gifts to calm the mind and see the beauty. It’s all around us.

I’m glad you didn’t have your phone. I love your gentle reminders in your real most human way.

We all connect so easily with your every day life experiences thank you. I’m getting ready to go for a walk right now at 10 of 9:00am, Sunday morning in Audubon Park, in my beloved city of New Orleans. Let’s all walk today. ☀️♥️

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

Walking this morning without the phone was liberating. From now on, unless there is an urgent need to have the phone on hand, it will remain at home for all walks with my mom's canine companion.

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

well done, lizzie.

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Love the fact you left your phone behind and took time for yourself x Namaste x

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closed my IG account a month ago and feel so much lighter.

To stay in touch, I use good old newsletters and youtube channels when I have time,

The fact that I am out of this huge IG virtual room full of people is definitely liberating for me.

Lets make more space for our own thoughts.

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Jun 30Liked by Lizzie Lasater

Lets make more space for our own thoughts.

perfect, cecile. thank you.

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