Everything feels broken right now; you’re not broken.
This was a hard week: Nico recovering from Omicron and me wearing myself thin, taking care of everyone except myself.
But it also brought clarity: that I’m ready to soften my grip on control, manifest more help, and (again) prioritize rest. Yes, even a Restorative yoga teacher can fall behind on rest.
Because the question is not just “how can I relax on my yoga mat?” The really important question is “how can I relax in my life?”
Can you relate?
The timing could not be more perfect to spend the next month with the delightful Mary Richards in our Deep Rest course. It’s a four-week program to address the effects and root causes of exhaustion. Science-based and full of simple somatic practices, we start (and enrollment closes) this Thursday, January 13th. Join us!
Until next Sunday,